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If this happens, the contrast agent may provoke seizures. LOCAs are the safer contrast agents in this respect.

Jan Verified

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Symptoms like these are familiar to most people and do not constitute an anxiety syndrome providing they are mild, short-lived and for a reason.

Herbert Verified

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Centrally acting analgesics are also known as narcotics or opioids. Strictly speaking, narcotic refers to the ability of a drug to induce sleep, which drugs in this group do in high dosage, but the term can be misleading and is best avoided.

Claudia Verified

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Aspirin reduces platelet aggregation by inhibiting the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase, which is necessary for the formation of thromboxane A in patients with heart disease such as angina and arrhythmia as well as those with previous thrombotic disease. Dipyridamole has a similar effect on cyclo-oxygenase as aspirin.

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The pressure inside the chest cavity drops and air is drawn in through the trachea.

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