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Adverse drug reactions present a major clinical problem. It has been estimated that up to up to Many adverse reactions are well known. Information about them can be found in patient information leaflets supplied with medicines, in the Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS) or in the British National Formulary. However, not all patients will suffer all possible adverse reactions.

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It is mostly used in dentistry. Levobupivacaine and ropivacaine were recently added to the list of local anaesthetics that registered podiatrists are allowed to administer.

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According to the Department of Health definition, a supplementary prescriber forms a voluntary partnership with an independent prescriber.

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Benzoic acid is used as an antifungal in combination with salicylic acid, which is keratolytic. It may irritate sensitive areas.

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Vitamin B should not be taken together with levodopa and foods high in vitamin B example liver, walnuts and bananas) should be limited during use of levodopa.

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