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Drugs used to treat cancer act on some stage in the cell cycle, either on DNA synthesis or spindle formation; or cause damage to preformed DNA. Phase-specific drugs act at a particular point in the cycle, usually S phase or M phase. Phase-non-specific drugs are cytotoxic at any point in the cell cycle and may be toxic to cancer cells in the resting phase.
Osteoporosis can be prevented or reduced by regular exercise and adequate dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D throughout life but especially in adolescence. Treatment of osteoporosis includes the use of drugs that decrease the rate of order phentermine hcl 37.5 mg reabsorption and replacement of oestrogen in post-menopausal women. Treatment of osteoporosis is essentially the same regardless of whether the cause is post-menopausal or corticosteroid-induced or simply due to old age. Bisphosphonates and calcitonin can be used in osteoporosis, when they have an action similar to that described under Pagets disease.
What is the advice on breast-feeding for mothers who take anticonvulsant medication. Case study Mr Warchowski is a medical history, you discover that he is being treated for a number of conditions. The patient was diagnosed with hypertension five years ago.
Mycobacteria are intracellular organisms and infect lung tissue mainly, but other orders phentermine hcl 37.5 mg such as bones, joints and the brain can be infected. Treatment for tuberculosis is a long and difficult process, taking up to two years and requiring combinations of at least three different antibiotics. Drugs used to treat tuberculosis include isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide primarily with streptomycin and ethambutol as secondary drugs.
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Disorders of the conduction system through the heart are known as arrhythmias (or dysrhythmias), because the inherent rhythm of the heart is disturbed. There are different kinds of arrhythmia depending on which part of the heart is affected. Atrial flutter describes the condition where there is rapid but regular, beating of the atria of between Atrial fibrillation is said to occur when there is rapid but disordered contraction of the atria of between Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is an intermittent increase in the rate of atrial contraction.
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The anaesthetic is injected into the subarachnoid space via a lumbar puncture between vertebrae L Efferent nerves are affected by the local anaesthetic. This method carries a risk of damage to the spinal cord. This technique is similar to spinal anaesthesia.
There are dilated blood vessels in the upper dermis and the skin bleeds easily if scratched. Leucocytes infiltrate into the epidermis and can form microabsesses. All parts of the skin can be involved including mucous membranes and nails, but more usually isolated patches of skin are affected, particularly at the elbows and knees with clear demarcation between the plaques of psoriasis and normal skin.
Arthrography can be used to aid assessment prior to podiatric surgery. Figure shows the use of iopamidol to visualize the capsular lining of a lesser metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot during an investigation of a possible capsular tear. Contrast agents can also be used to enhance computed order phentermine hcl 37.5 mg scans and magnetic resonance imaging. Contrast agent use with CT scans is particularly useful for the diagnosis, staging and follow-up of malignant disease and with MRI for imaging the spinal cord. The digestive tract can be imaged following ingestion of barium sulphate suspended in a gel.
Malaria is not endemic in the United Kingdom, but it occurs in significant numbers of travellers order phentermine hcl 37.5 mg back from countries where malaria is endemic. Malaria is caused by several species of protozoa called plasmodia. Plasmodia have complicated life cycles with a sexual cycle in the mosquito and an asexual cycle in man. Infection follows a bite from an infected mosquito and involves infection of liver cells and red blood cells.
The importance of this clinically is that local anaesthetics should be used order phentermine hcl 37.5 mg great care in patients suffering from myasthenia gravis because of the danger exacerbating the condition and precipitating paralysis, particularly of the respiratory muscles. Such patients should be treated as high risk. Cardiac muscle cells are excitable, and hence the diffusion of sodium ions is affected as it is in nervous tissue.
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Prilocaine is similar to lidocaine but has a longer duration of action and is less toxic. It can be used in combination with felypressin, but not by podiatrists. High doses of prilocaine can cause methaemoglobinaemia and cyanosis.
Infectious diseases can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa or parasitic worms. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics. There are many antibiotics available, but they fall into three major groups based on their mode of action: inhibitors of bacterial nucleic acid synthesis; inhibitors of cell wall synthesis; and inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis.
Anxiety and order phentermine hcl 37.5 mg are both associated with general arousal of the CNS and may be due to over activity in the RAS. Neurotransmitters in the RAS are serotonin and GABA. It is thought that GABA normally moderates the activity of serotonin-containing neurons and that in anxiety syndromes some of this moderation is lost due to changes in receptor sensitivity, or due to overactivity of a natural inhibitor of GABA. An inhibitor of GABA has not been identified, but it has been tentatively called GABA modulin.
Treatment is largely symptomatic and often consists of the use of antihistamines. However, cromoglicate can be used prophylactically by inhalation. Corticosteroids in the form of nasal drops may be used to treat local inflammation. Sympathomimetic drugs such as xylometazoline can be used as decongestants.
Examples are nateglinide and repaglinide. They stimulate insulin release from β-cells in the pancreas. They are conveniently taken just before each main meal and have a rapid onset and short duration of action. They should be used together with metformin if glucose control is not sufficient with metformin alone. Adverse effects are hypoglycaemia and hypersensitivity rashes.
Authored by Naim S Issa, MD
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The islets of Langerhans make up the endocrine part and contain cells that produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin.
Rarely, the disease is rapidly progressing with joint destruction. The serum is rheumatoid factor negative.