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First generation β-blockers are non-cardio-selective and they can produce bronchoconstriction as an adverse effect. They exacerbate congestive heart failure, adversely affect plasma lipid profiles and reduce exercise tolerance. An example is propranolol. Second generation β-blockers have greater cardio-selectivity and are less likely to cause bronchoconstriction. Examples are atenolol and bisoprolol. Third generation β-blockers also cause peripheral vasodilation and do not adversely affect plasma lipid profiles. An example is celiprolol.
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Sequestration in this way gives an apparent large volume of distribution but also means that only a small proportion of total drug concentration will reach its site of action. This can create difficulties with the usage of certain drugs. For example, general anaesthetics are highly lipid-soluble drugs. Sequestration into adipose tissue can make anaesthetizing obese people hazardous because it is difficult to control the amount of free drug in the circulation. Similarly, benzodiazepines can be difficult to clear from the body because they are stored in large amounts in adipose tissue. This can complicate withdrawal from their use. Apart from storage in lipid tissue, certain drugs can be preferentially taken up or sequestered into other tissues. For example, griseofulvin has an affinity for keratin. Since this drug can be used to treat fungal infections of the skin and nails its sequestration into keratin is something of an advantage.
Examples of some drugs that can have an effect on a nursing infant Targets for drug action are the sites where a drug interacts with part of a body cell or other body component. These include receptors in cell membranes or within the cell itself, ion channels and carrier proteins in cell membranes and enzymes in body fluids. Receptors are either an integral protein in the cell membrane or a protein in the cytoplasm or the nucleus. They form the site where the chemical messengers of the body, hormones and neurotransmitters, interact with cells. Agonists are drugs that stimulate receptors and antagonists block the action of the natural chemical at the receptors.
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An example of an anticholinesterase drug is pyridostigmine. Side effects of these drugs include excessive salivation, muscle twitching and abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhoea. Anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, for example prednisolone, can be used to suppress the antibody formation in myasthenia gravis. They should be used together with anticholinesterase drugs and once an improvement is seen the dose should be decreased. Long-term use of corticosteroids leads to serious side effects, including suppression of the pituitary-adrenal axis, immunosuppression, muscle wasting, osteoporosis and impaired wound healing. Immunosuppressants such as azathioprine are used when other forms of treatment fail to control the progression of myasthenia gravis.
Short courses of corticosteroids are used during exacerbations and seem to reduce the effect of a relapse. Spasticity is a common symptom in multiple sclerosis. It is bought xanax overnight shipping as an increase in muscle tone characterized by initial resistance to passive movement followed by sudden relaxation. Spasticity can be treated with a number of drugs. Dantrolene has a direct action on skeletal muscle to cause relaxation; baclofen inhibits transmission at the spinal cord by acting on inhibitory presynaptic gamma-aminobutyric acid B receptors; benzodiazepines cause muscle relaxation by some central action; and tizanidine is an α action.
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ACE inhibitors are used to treat cardiac failure and hypertension. Inhibition of ACE prevents formation of angiotensin II, which is a powerful vasoconstrictor (see Figure resistance and therefore reduction in blood pressure. Reduction in blood pressure also improves cardiac output. In addition, ACE inhibitors suppress aldosterone secretion producing a reduction in salt and water retention and improve renal buy xanax overnight shipping flow, which in turn inhibits renin release. Examples of ACE inhibitors are captopril and lisinopril. ACE inhibitors have no effect on heart rate or bronchioles, lipid levels or the action of insulin and therefore can be used safely in patients with heart failure, asthma, peripheral vascular disease or diabetes.
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Use is made of this in the treatment of thromboembolic disease. Adverse effects of aspirin are dyspepsia or gastritis and it can cause gastric ulceration.
- Infections such as tuberculosis can spread extensively before they are discovered.
- Antiviral drugs have been developed that work by the following mechanisms: inhibition of the synthesis of viral DNA, RNA and proteins (for example, nucleoside analogues, reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors); reduction in release of viral genetic material once inside the host cell (for example, amantadine); interference with penetration of virus through the cell membrane (for example, neuraminidase inhibitors); interference with attachment of the virus to the host cell membrane (for example, vaccines, immunoglobulins and interferons).
- Other contrast agents are said to be radio-opaque and as such they absorb X-rays.
- The outermost layer of the cortex produces aldosterone.
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Decreased production of erythrocytes can be a cause of anaemia. This can be due to deficiency of vitamin B for formation of erythrocytes.
Further reading Health Service Circular HSC Department of Health Medicines Matters: A Guide to Mechanisms for the Prescribing, Supply and Administration of Medicines, National Practitioner Programme Department of Health Core Prescribing Group, London. Price, R.Miller, L. and Mellor, F. Longitudinal changes in extended roles in radiography. Radiography, Web sites www.
Diseases of the liver and kidney, any disease that affects intestinal motility, mal-absorption syndromes and any condition that reduces plasma protein concentration are all implicated. Some diseases can alter the physiological sensitivity to a drug at its site of action. The way in which the body handles drugs can show genetic variation. Quite often, this is due to genetic differences in enzyme activity. This can lead to differences in the rate at which a drug is metabolized and therefore after a given period of time, plasma levels will be different in different individuals. The administration of more than one drug simultaneously can potentially alter the actions of any of them.
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However, it seems that supplementary prescribing is appropriate for long-term management of disease in the community and for the management of chronic conditions and rehabilitation in community and hospital settings. Many health care professionals would eventually like to move towards independent prescribing, although it is acknowledged that non-medical prescribing in its various forms will continue to have different applications in different situations.
If these do not control symptoms, xanthine bronchodilators may be required in addition to one or both of the other two.
No form of malaria prophylaxis is completely effective and other precautions should be taken. However, should an infection occur the symptoms are usually less severe.
In the liver, acetylcysteine is converted to glutathione, which forms a harmless conjugate with paracetamol. Centrally acting analgesics are also known as narcotics or opioids.
It is not known how widespread the use of PGDs is within the therapy community, but an unpublished national survey of radiotherapy service managers indicated that radiographers were involved in the administration of medicines using PGDs.