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The law says who can and cannot prescribe medicines. It also allows local arrangements to be developed so medicines can be administered to certain types of patients in certain circumstances, for example PSDs and PGDs. Podiatrists and some other health care professionals are specifically mentioned in the Act as being exempt from some of its provisions. For example paramedics can administer certain named drugs in emergency situations. Podiatrists and chiropodists can administer certain POM, including local anaesthetics.
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With no treatment, a wart will eventually disappear. However, warts may be painful, often look ugly, and cause embarrassment in which case treatment may be appropriate. Chemical treatments include wart paints, of which there are many available as over-thecounter preparations. As such, they can be accessed and supplied by qualified, registered podiatrists. Wart preparations contain keratolytics such as salicylic acid, formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde, which work by removing the dead skin cells at the surface of the wart.
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