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Drugs that are used to treat infections with micro-organisms are known as antimicrobial drugs or antibiotics. The first antibiotics were naturally produced by micro-organisms; nowadays many are produced synthetically. Infestations with parasitic worms are treated with drugs called antihelmintics. The success of chemotherapy depends on the drugs being relatively more toxic to the infecting organism than to the cells of the human host. This is known as selective toxicity. Chemotherapy also applies to treatment of cancers.
Griseofulvin has to be taken for at least four weeks and because the drug may be teratogenic, it must not be used in during pregnancy, or in the month before conception or by prospective fathers six months prior to conception. Common adverse effects of oral griseofulvin are diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, headache and photosensitivity. Griseofulvin enhances the effects of alcohol and reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills. Griseofulvin should not be used in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus or with liver disease, because it can worsen both of these conditions. Impetigo on small areas of skin can be treated with topical application of fusidic acid. Extensive impetigo needs treating with a systemic antibacterial such as flucloxacillin.
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Authored by Dr. Amit M. Patel, MD, DABA, DABAPM
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Heart rate and force of contraction increase, blood vessels constrict and blood pressure returns to normal. The baroreceptor reflex described above allows for rapid adjustments of blood pressure.
In these regions, somatosensory information is processed and associated with previous experiences that are related to pain. Inhibitory neurons in the spinal cord are activated by descending pathways from the brain.
Typically an extended scope practitioner may work in an orthopaedic screening service for a PCT.
Thalassaemia is found in people from countries around the Mediterranean. Pregnancy, infection and malnutrition all make these types of anaemias worse.