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Conversely, the elimination of basic drugs such as amfetamine, antihistamines, morphine and tricyclic antidepressants can be increased by making tubular filtrate more acidic by administration of ammonium chloride. Although generally not as important as renal excretion, other routes of excretion account for elimination of some drugs. It is possible for drugs to move back across the intestinal wall by diffusion or active transport and be lost in faeces. Some drugs, particularly hormones, can also be excreted into the intestine via bile. Such drugs are conjugated in the liver and passed into bile before they reach the systemic circulation.

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Good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist can prevent gum disease. Women should be aware of increased susceptibility to vaginal yeast infections. Regular general health checks with a General Practioner are important, including glycosylated haemoglobin levels (this test gives a measure of how well blood glucose concentration is being controlled), cholesterol levels (including high-density lipoproteins [HDL]) and kidney function. Eyes should be examined for signs of retinal disease annually so that treatment can begin before damage to vision occurs. The endocrine system is complex, involving many glands and hormones, which are interconnected by feedback mechanisms. The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus produce hormones that affect the activity of many other glands.

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Treatment of other lung diseases, for example lung cancer, is beyond the scope of this book. The following case study is of a patient who might be seen in a podiatry clinic and who might be a suitable case for supplementary prescribing under a clinical management plan. You may need to refer to Chapter and the use of clinical management plans.

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