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Variation in response to drug therapy can occur due to many factors. At extremes of life absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion can all be different to normal so that drug action becomes unpredictable. In particular, plasma protein binding, liver and kidney function and the number of drugs being taken concurrently become important in older patients. Special care is needed when prescribing for infants and children and drug use should be avoided if possible in pregnancy and breast feeding. In order to have a therapeutic effect, a drug has to interact with a receptor or other site of action in the body.
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Because cardiac failure results in hypertension and leads to oedema, diuretics are used in both cases because they encourage water loss and therefore produce a reduction in circulating blood volume. This lowers blood pressure, reduces the work the heart has to do and improves oedema by encouraging the movement of fluid from the tissues into the circulation. Of the different types of diuretics, the ones order pamelor aventyl in cardiac failure and hypertension are thiazide diuretics and loop diuretics.
As professionals, they should be able to advise patients or know when to refer them to other experts in the health care team. Drug therapy of disease is ever expanding; new drugs exist for effective treatment or cure of more diseases than ever before. Correct use of drugs is paramount. It is therefore important for health care professionals to have an understanding of therapeutic uses of medicines, normal doses, adverse effects, interactions with other drugs, precautions and contraindications. It is equally important to be able to judge whether a change in a patients condition is caused by drug therapy, or a change in the disease process. Medication can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, dry mouth, constipation and patients may or may not associate new symptoms with drug use.
Authored by Dr. Suji Park-Idler, MD
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Conversely, for a local effect, addition of a vasoconstrictor to the injection decreases the rate of removal of the drug from the site of injection. Depot preparations are designed to give a slow sustained release of drug.