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Disorders of all parts of the adrenal glands are possible. The pancreas is a large organ containing exocrine and endocrine tissue. The islets of Langerhans make up the endocrine part and contain cells that produce insulin, glucagon and somatostatin. Cells that produce glucagon are found peripherally in the islets while the predominant insulin producing cells are found in the centre. Insulin is essential for the metabolism of glucose and control of blood glucose levels, but it also has important effects on fat and protein metabolism.

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Common heart disorders are cardiac failure, ischaemic heart disease and disorders of heart rhythm. Hypertension is included here because many of the drugs used to treat heart disorders are also used in hypertension. A basic knowledge of the physiology of the buy cheap levitra online, the mechanism of contraction, electrical activity and control of rate and rhythm, maintenance of blood pressure and what can go wrong is needed in order to understand how the drugs work. The heart consists of four chambers: two atria and two ventricles and is divided into right and left sides.

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The emphasis is on conditions and drugs likely to be encountered in general practice. Disorders of the CNS can be divided into psychiatric disorders and neurological disorders, although the distinction is not always clear. Psychiatric disorders include types of depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and insomnia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurological disorders include epilepsy and Parkinsons disease, dementia and Alzheimers disease. In order to have some understanding of the nature of diseases of the CNS and the treatments available, it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of the brain and neurotransmitters that are involved in the transmission of information within the nervous system.

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Together chronic bronchitis and emphysema are known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Often the same drugs are used to treat asthma and bronchitis, so they are considered here together. Guidelines on the management of chronic asthma and COPD are produced by the British Thoracic Society and published in the BNF and MIMS. Drugs used to treat other respiratory conditions are considered separately. Beta in bronchial smooth muscle.

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They appear to have little effect on the coronary blood vessels, causing slight constriction if anything. β-blockers are useful in all types of arrhythmia because they block the conducting system in the heart and reduce heart rate.

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Dr Thorp graduated from the School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology at the University of Bath, first with a BSc in traditional academic view of pharmacology and experience of research. Since then she has undertaken a number of roles, most recently in the Faculty of Health and Social Care at the University of Salford, with responsibility for teaching pharmacology to students in a variety of Health Care Profession disciplines.

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) Before agreeing to the prescribing of high-risk drugs (that is those with known dangerous side effects) in a CMP, the independent prescriber must be confident that the supplementary prescriber has the necessary skills, knowledge and competence.

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