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Drugs used to treat tuberculosis include isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide primarily with streptomycin and ethambutol as secondary drugs. Viruses are made up of a protein capsule, some with a lipoprotein envelope around it, containing genetic material, with maybe a few enzymes but very little else and hence they are not considered to be cells, but, rather, infectious particles.

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Mr Davies is quite knowledgeable about his bipolar disorder and the combination of drugs he uses to control the symptoms, but he is less sure about what having hypertension means. He tells you that he has his blood tested every three months and that last time he went to the clinic they prescribed him a new drug that he had not taken before and told him to come back in a week. Mr Davies says he has not been feeling quite right lately and wonders if it could be the new drug. Mr Davies current medication is as follows: Lithium carbonate, Sodium valproate, Atenolol, Amlodipine Lisinopril, Chlorpromazine, Discuss this patient using the questions as a guide. Identify which of Mr Davies drugs are for hypertension and which are for bipolar disorder.

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In practice, the BNF or MIMS should be used as a guide to dosages. Examples of individual drugs have been kept to a minimum in the text, with usually just one or two examples given in each section.

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