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Amity is running several exchange programs aimed at the involvement of overseas friends and partner organizations all over the world to serve the needy and creating mutual understanding. Karl Theodor Jaspers once interpreted the philosophy of education in a thought-provoking way: Education is a tree shaking another tree, another cloud to promote a cloud, a soul awakening another soul. For our Amity teachers, young volunteers from home and abroad, as well as Amity staff who serve with the Education and International Exchange Division, to teach is to learn, and to offer is to gain. Those who participate actively in this dynamic exchange process, not only can serve others with their knowledge and transferable skills, but also can cultivate a stronger sense of values, ethics, and civic engagement. For all participants, there is always a possibility to a more exciting and meaningful life which would also contribute to a better society. Amity Teachers Program Amity teachers come from abroad to serve from one to two years and are generally placed in teacher- training institutes in smaller cities of western China. Amity teachers teach English and western culture to their students who will be primary and middle school teachers in rural areas. Service-Learning Program Service-Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates relevant community services with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, encourage lifelong civic engagement, and strengthen communities for the common good. Nanjing Office Hong Kong Office.
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