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You should be able to answer the following review questions from the topics covered in the preceding chapter. and how might you predict if a patient is likely to have an allergic reaction to a particular drug. are likely to be altered in older people. in the general population. they handle drugs.

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Treatment should start as early as possible, before the immune system is irreversibly damaged. However, this aim has to be weighed up against the toxicity of the drugs used and the fact that treatment must be continued over many years. Recommended treatment combines two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors with either a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor or a protease inhibitor. Such combinations of drugs reduce the development of drug resistance in the virus. Fungi are multicellular or single cell organisms abundant in the environment; many live in association with humans without causing disease but some of them can be pathogenic in certain circumstances.

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The independent prescriber is responsible for the initial diagnosis of a patient and the contents and conditions of their CMP, although they need not write it personally. Within the limits of a CMP, the supplementary prescriber may be able to alter the zolpidem tartrate online pharmacy of medicine, the dosage, the frequency of administration and other variables. As an alternative to listing medicines individually, the CMP may refer to recognized and accepted local or national clinical guidance in written or electronic form. Any guidelines referred to should be easily available to all concerned in the patients care ( CMP must include).

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