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Anxiety becomes a medical problem when it is excessive, long lasting or inappropriate and incapacitating. Then it can be called anxiety neurosis, or an anxiety syndrome. According to the DSM-IVanxiety syndromes are obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks for no apparent reason, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety can be associated with depression or psychosis.

The pacemaker forms part of a conduction system that transmits electrical activity through the heart by means of action potentials so that contractions are coordinated and the heart can function as an efficient pump. The conduction pathway of electrical activity goes from the SA node to the atrioventricular node between atria and ventricles, then down the septum between the two ventricles to the apex of the heart and finally round the ventricles themselves. The conduction pathway in the heart is shown in Figure Electrical activity in the heart can be picked up by electrodes placed on the skin and recorded as the familiar electrocardiogram. The ECG is a record of the sum of all action potentials in the heart as it contracts. Action potentials are generated by depolarization followed by repolarization of the cardiac muscle cell membrane.

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However, it seems that abnormalities in partial epilepsy are different to those in generalized epilepsy. The choice of drug depends on the type of epilepsy. Combination therapy with two or more drugs may be necessary.

This is known as a positive inotropic effect. In addition, through an effect in the central nervous system cardiac glycosides cause an increase in parasympathetic activity and therefore slow conduction through the AV node, hence their usefulness in atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation. However, cardiac glycosides have a very low therapeutic ratio and can be very purchase viagra online usa. Slowing of AV conduction can lead to AV block and arrhythmias. These signs could be confused with clinical deterioration.

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The end result is cell death by apoptosis. Although alkylating agents can act on cells at any stage of the cell cycle, they are most effective in the S phase of the cell cycle and are therefore most cytotoxic to rapidly dividing cells.

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Bipolar depression is associated with a decrease in dopamine activity and mania with an increase in dopamine activity. Both these conditions can be treated prophylactically with lithium, although the mode of action of lithium is unknown.

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Particular areas of the central nervous system affected are the optic nerves, brain stem and cerebellum, corticospinal tracts of the spinal cord and areas around the ventricles. Demyelination leads to variable symptoms depending on where the lesions are.

Authored by Dr. Maayan M Keshet, MD

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