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Movement of body parts is controlled by another area of the cortex. The rest and the largest part of the cortex, which is neither sensory nor motor consists of association areas. It is here that where can i get cheap albuterol aspects of behaviour such as memory, thought and language reside. Within the nervous system neurons make connections with each other called synapses. At the synapse, the neurons do not touch each other but are separated by a microscopic gap, the synaptic cleft.
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They should generally be reserved for patients in whom other anti-inflammatory drugs are unsuccessful or until other drugs take effect (see DMARDs below). However, the use of corticosteroids does depend on individual circumstances. In acute exacerbations, which could be life threatening, a high initial dose of corticosteroid can be given to induce remission. The dose should then gradually be reduced to the lowest maintenance level that will control the disease or, if possible, discontinued altogether. This approach carries the risk that relapse may occur as the dose is reduced, particularly if this is done too quickly.
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This is similar to the mechanism of action of some antiepileptic drugs. Moreover, like antiepileptic drugs, local anaesthetics show use dependence in that they preferentially block neurons that are transmitting impulses at high frequency (as pain sensory neurons do).
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References The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Prescribing Rights for Physiotherapists an update, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, London. Health Service Circular, Department of Health, London. Limb, M.pp.
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Authored by Dr. Tina K Venetos, MD
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Information about them can be found in patient information leaflets supplied with medicines, in the Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS) or in the British National Formulary.
In other cases, hormones are used as drugs in ways that differ from their physiological role. This chapter gives a general overview of the endocrine system.