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(The Singing Detective in the Dennis Potter play had particularly severe erythrodermic psoriasis. ) The disease appears to have a genetic basis with environmental factors, such as infections, emotional trauma or mechanical trauma, causing outbreaks in susceptible individuals.

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A commonly used example of this type of diuretic is bendroflumethiazide. Loop diuretics inhibit sodium and chloride ion transport in the ascending limb of the loop of Henl´e and therefore prevent water reabsorption there. An example of a loop diuretic is furosemide. Both thiazides and loop diuretics also cheapest palexia vasodilation, which reduces peripheral vascular resistance and helps reduce blood pressure. Thiazide diuretics are recommended as an alternative to calcium channel blockers as first choice drugs in hypertensive patients over the age of Adverse effects of diuretics are excessive potassium and hydrogen ion loss leading to hypokalaemia and metabolic alkalosis. Hypokalaemia enhances the toxic effects of cardiac glycosides.

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