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In addition, drugs that reduce the availability of monoamines cause symptoms of depression. From such observations the monoamine theory of depression and mania was formed: Depression is due to an absolute or relative decrease in monoamines, or a decrease in receptor sensitivity, at certain receptor sites in the brain. Mania is due to an absolute or relative excess of monoamines or an increase in receptor sensitivity at these sites. Even after years of research, it is still not clear which receptor sites or which monoamines are involved, although noradrenaline, serotonin and dopamine are all implicated.
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The adrenal cortex is made up of three distinct layers, each of which secretes a different type of steroid hormone. The outermost layer of the cortex produces aldosterone. Aldosterone is released in response to fall in blood volume andor blood pressure and it increases the rate of sodium and water reabsorption by the kidney distal tubules. This increases blood volume and restores blood pressure. The middle and thickest layer of the cortex produces glucocorticosteroids, the main one being cortisol. Secretion of cortisol is mediated through feedback pathways involving adrenocorticotrophic hormone from the anterior pituitary and corticotrophin releasing hormone from the hypothalamus as well as stimulation from higher brain centres.
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