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Ukacademicinfrastructurebench markhealthRadio-final. asp Subject Benchmark Statements: Health Care Programmes: Radiography www. sor. orgmemberseffective-practicepres rad newsnews A physiotherapy perspective of non-medical prescribing is discussed here. Like podiatrists and radiographers, physiotherapists can, under PSDs, currently supply andor administer medicines to a named patient and under PGDs they can currently supply andor administer medicines to groups of patients who may not be individually identified prior to treatment.

Drugs may also affect the foetus at later stages of pregnancy so the best advice is to avoid drug use during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary. In cases of chronic maternal disease, the risks of stopping drug therapy have to be balanced against the benefits to the developing foetus. For example, it would be dangerous to cease treatment for chronic conditions such as asthma or epilepsy. In these situations, drugs least likely to harm the foetus should be used. Usually drug therapy does not interfere with breast feeding but it is possible for effective amounts of drug to pass into the milk, particularly if the drug behaves as a weak base.

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The allergen, whether it is a drug, pollen or dust mite, causes production of immunoglobulin E antibodies on first exposure. These antibodies attach themselves to mast cells.

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