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Couples facing problems with fertility may sometimes consider using over-the-counter fertility pills to help boost their chances of getting pregnant.

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GPhC reg. Clomid needs to be prescribed by a gynaecologist. The Online Clinic can refer you to a private gynaecologist in your area to get assessed for this treatment. To obtain the necessary referral letter, please complete a free online consultation. This medicine is used to treat infertility in women who are not ovulating correctly.

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There are a number of pieces of legislation concerned with the sale, supply and use of drugs. The major ones are the Medicines Act plus associated Schedules, Orders, Regulations and European Directives. These Acts of Parliament deal with substances that are known as medicinal products within the meaning of the Act(s). The Medicines Act and then sets out exemptions that allow, for example the manufacture and sale of medicinal products under licence. The Act exempts various activities of professionals, thus allowing doctors to prescribe and pharmacists to dispense.

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