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Doxorubicin inhibits an enzyme called topoisomerase. During replication of DNA, this enzyme brings about swivelling of individual strands of DNA so they can be copied without becoming entangled in each other. Doxorubicin prevents this.
Authored by Dr. Meredith L Oudt, DC
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Produced either from pigs or salmon or more recently from human sources by recombinant DNA technology, it is given daily by sub-cutaneous injections.
The fungal cell membrane contains a sterol called ergosterolwhich keeps the membrane stable. In human cell membranes, the sterol is cholesterol.
With the exception of nail surgery, podiatrists undertake the treatment of foot problems by non-invasive methods (until recently podiatrists were known as chiropodists).
A definition of compliance in this context is the extent to which the behaviour of the patient coincides with the clinical prescription.