Poor response to treatment is an unfortunate reality for many people with major depression MDD. |
Take this medicine only as directed by your doctor. |
Back to Medicines A to Z. |
Blood and lymphatic system disorders: Anemia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. |
Their antidepressant-like effects were compared in acute and chronic forced-swim test FST. Effect on locomotor activity was tested in OFT. |
A year-old woman experienced a witnessed generalized seizure in the Emergency Department three hours after ingesting approximately mg of fluoxetine in a suicide attempt. Although the majority of fluoxetine ingestions are benign, seizures may occur after large intentional overdoses. |
Take this medicine exactly as directed by your doctor in order to improve your condition as much as possible. |
Sep 27, |
Avoid IM injections in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy; administer PO in these circumstances; in general, administer IV only if patient does not tolerate or is unable to absorp oral medications. |
Viagra - Active ingredient - Sildenafil, mg. |