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Finasteride is an orally active drug that was first approved by the FDA in for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia to improve symptoms and reduce the risk for acute urinary retention or the kaiser propecia cost for surgical procedures. Both benign prostatic hyperplasia and androgenic alopecia are androgen-dependent disorders that are characterized by in situ high levels of DHT. Indicated for the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH in men with an enlarged prostate to improve symptoms, reduce the risk of acute urinary retention, and reduce the risk of the need for surgery including transurethral resection of the prostate TURP and prostatectomy. Indicated for the treatment of male pattern hair loss androgenetic alopecia, hereditary alopecia, or common male baldness in male patients. There is evidence from early clinical observations and controlled studies that finasteride may reduce bleeding of prostatic origin. It serves as the hormonal mediator for the hyperplasia upon accumulation within the prostate gland.

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